Youth Policy

Youth Policy

Our Aims:

Enable young people to know themselves and to know God

Encourage young people to take a full part in the church's life and worship

Provide an environment in which young people feel that adults care about them and will listen to them

How to achieve this:

1. Encourage our young people to attend all-age worship

2. Encourage our young people to support family events at church i.e. Harvest Supper, Spring are

3. Encourage our young people in the leading of worship

4. Encourage our young people in the involvement of worship, helping them to find their gifts in music, drama, reading or praying.

5. Encourage preachers to be ‘child relevant' language in talks, choice of hymns and prayers

6. Use uniformed organisations Sunday School and youth fellowship materials and badge work resources to educate our young people

7. Youth leader workers to ensure they are fully prepared each week

8. Youth leaders/workers to put aside valuable time each week to prepare

9. Keep the promises of the uniformed organisations

10. Encourage regular debate within our youth work

11. Ask the church to continue to priorities youth work and encourage the involvement both formally and informally

12. Encourage church members to 'pop in' to youth meetings to engage in what is going on

13. Encourage everyone to pray for out young people

14. Encourage ecumenical links

15. Leaders to visit young people in their homes

16. Listen to our young people without interruption or judgment

17. Value their beliefs and opinions

18. Regularly meet with our youth leaders of the church

19. To commit ourselves to training

20. To fully implement The Methodist Church’s position on ' Safeguarding'